What a roller Coaster ride the last few weeks has been. Aylas back problems are back even after the Epidural 5 days ago. I think a trip to the Neurosurgeon is in order next, The extreme temp of 105 F daily is hard to handle. Sunday at 2 pm, the AC went out and it began to get hot. I called a friend and he came over and repaired the AC. by 4:30. It sure is nice to have friends to help in my desperate hour of need. The Tomato garden is drying up no matter how much water they get. The flowers are also withering from the heat and I wither too. Resas' new baby is content to sit under the tree waiting for her daily visits. The pups have a pair of new neighbors that they talk to daily throught the wooden fence. Of course, when they talk, they get all the neighbor pups to join in on the conversation. They love to get a comotion started. Time to prepare for another work day so the blogger of random thoughts has to go.
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