Friday, November 06, 2009

I issued a challenge to someone on Oct 1st to see if he could go 60 days without a beer and here is the response. " I've decided to make the sacrifice and check myself into my own self induced rehab. As a means of testing to see if I'm "addicted" to beer and able to manage just one or two a day...I'm taking Papa G's challenge he gave me...go 60 days without any. Sounds reasonable to me...I know I could go 60 days without soda, in fact that is less than the usual time spread between cokes for me. Now I'm not adopting a teetotaler attitude because I do believe it to be a tasty and beneficial drink, but only if it can be on my terms not an addiction craving". Well 1 month later I am reissuing the challenge. You know, Indians and alcohol don't mix.


Marbella said...

does it mean addiction if the challenge was not met

Ger said...

"The enemy of victory is contentment with the status quo"...Brother Bud said most eloqently. Somewhere between there and ADD I think theres enough allowance to consider the original challenge still running. LOL.

Marbella said...

total abstinence means just that, Brother Bud said so eloquently that maybe certain things we should put our foot on their neck and get rid of them. total honesty in self examination is extremely biased at times

Ger said...

Ahhh..he'll probably just tack 5 days onto the end for bonus points to bring the score back up to a 100. If man were able to be justified by keeping the law, then there would have been no need for a cross. :)