I am accepting the fact that I am no longer needed at the Hospital and that I can no longer contribute anything to the department.
I am upset in the way I was cast out like old newspapers. I was told, It's just business! Loyalty, dedication, caring, sleepless nights, on call 24 hrs/day, going in when called, all meant nothing because it's just business. Where's my Gold Watch? My retirement party? My hugs and tears from fellow employees? The hand shakes and We will miss you sentiments? I was robbed of all this because, It's just Business.
I think those 2 brothers (Ego & Vanity) need to be sent on a long journey so that Happiness and Thankfulness can come to live with me. I ( and those around me) thought I was on my way to a Corinary with the pressures of the job so this early retirement is really in my best interest, but it still is hard to take.
Each day. I heal a little more and accept it a little more and realize that family is whats important. To all of you that are concerned about us- WE ARE FINE. and we are survivors. I Think I will take Ayla out for lunch today. I have the time.