Go to Norman, Get Tattoo?
We were babysitting our 2 year old Indian Princess and just having a ball when she saw the tattoo on my leg. That tatoo has been the wonderment of many littleones for many years and to this day as the 2nd crop of great grandkids are sprouting, they too are in awe of the bunny character forever embedded on my leg. A brief moment in 1965 in a Long Beach tatoo parlor has brought smiles to many grandkid and puzzlement and giggles from older proper folks. Tatoos today are nolonger the trait of a sailor back from foreign ports of call. They are the body art of the rebelious youth, each seeking his or her individualism but yet they are massing into a cingular culture. OK, back to the story.
As the princess poked at the tatoo and giggled, I asked her if she wanted a tatoo and she replied ,"I want tatoo", Her mom just called and was in Norman and on her way home at the time so I said to the little one, 'you want to go to Norman for a tatoo?". her reply was, 'Go to Norman, get tatoo". This phrase was repeated many times to imbed it in her memory for when her mother arrived, the question was asked, "go to Norman, get tatoo?' I had some explaining to do so after begging grandpa insanity, I was exonerated. The next morning I got a call, it seems the Princess fussed all the way home and then wouldn't go to bed without going to Norman for a tatoo. That morning, she continued the quest for the tatoo but was assured that oneday they would go to Norman for a Tatoo. Yep on her 18th birthday she gets her bunny tatoo.
Here ya go :-)
Or, fer you GEM, maybe better yet.
ROFL...I'm glad you wrote this down to preserve this bit of history. That kid's a nut.
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