Pool etiquette for beginners: sometimes I think we all need reminding about etiquette. We sometimes forget that our actions do affect others and we take for granted that others do things the way we do. Lets take pool etiquette for example. If we don't have a pool and we want to take a dip, we call a friend or relative to see if we can use their pool. Usually no problem until we forget our etiquette. Usually a slip of the etiquette mode is tolerated for 1 or 2 times, after that, you need reminding that you should treat someone Else's pool like it is theirs and not yours. Here are a few simple etiquette rules to live by: If you didn't bring a towel (shame on you) then don't take one home with you. If you use the pool towels, then please hang them up on the clothes line provided, throwing them on the floor or furniture is not good etiquette and causes the pool owner to have to clean up after you (Shame, Shame). If you use floaters or other floatation devices, then put them back in storage where they probably were because sometimes the wind blows them on the ground or they stop up the filter intake. Again the pool owner has to clean up and put things up properly. Never bring more than 1 guest with you, but only after permission has been given. Always try to get young kids to go to the bathroom before getting into the pool, there's nothing like warm water to get the body to react and little kids sometimes cannot hold it. Remember that after the refreshing dip, you are still wet and sitting on furniture or dripping water in the house is another etiquette buster. Just like when you go camping, always leave the campsites (pool) cleaner than how you found it. Just good etiquette..
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I APPRECIATE THE REMINDER THOUGH..it is too easy to forget simple little things that add up to bunches of work for others. I know that from being on the wrong end of that broom too many times.
Might not hurt to print up "POOL RULES" and laminate and post on the pool gate...or even attach laminated copies to the towels.
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