97, 98, 99, 100, 101 - when will it end. I'm talking about the temperatures the last few days. I'm still playing hookey for 1 more day, then back to the grind, but it is too hot to do much. I get outside when I can like this morning at 6am. That's a great time to get to be out. Just me, the birds, the crisp clean smell of the air, the little boys (Frosty and Casper) and the cool temp that time of day. I had to wash the Air-conditioner to clean the coils so that it cools more efficiently. I watered the plants and sat in the shade and had a good cup of Coffee. By 7am the heat was starting to build so I came in and fed the little boys and drank another coffee. I mowed the yard yesterday evening (temp 99) and was looking at it this morning and thinking how the grass needs raking, I will get our resident vanpire (Cub) and together we will get it picked up. Our pool is sure getting a workout in the evening. totally refreshing after a hot day. Aylas' storage building is 98% completed. and it is slow going in this heat. I hope to finish it today or tomorrow. Yep, it sure is hot outside.
Woo! I feel for ya. I can barely get out there to water my plants then I have to run in and hide from the heat. Tao had to take me to get a linen long sleeve shirt just so I could do that without going all itchy and bumpy. I can't imagine trying to build out in it. Haven't had to mow in 3 weeks, no rain, to much heat. Even with us watering it an hour or two a week the lawn is barely alive.
Migrate dudes! It hit 85 today and that was pretty warm, it's about 58 now. Tomorrow it might be up to 90 so I need to hook-up the swamp cooler ^^
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