Before anyone gets their shorts in a wad and thinks I am referring to them, I AM NOT. I am just spouting off on one of my pet peeves.
I am watching Judge Joe Brown and I heard this defendant say " My anger issues caused me to do harm to my mothers home". Have we as a society moved so far to the left that we are no longer responsible for our actions? Have the "liberal do gooders" finally achieved their goals that no-one is responsible for their actions because of their raising. We are to learn from our actions and the actions of others as well as the actions of our parents. Take responsibility for your actions. Own up to your actions. Learn from your actions and control your actions. The Judge raked this 23 year old dropout and lazy, non working, dredge to society, over the coals.
Just Spouting off on a pet peeve.
I am watching Judge Joe Brown and I heard this defendant say " My anger issues caused me to do harm to my mothers home". Have we as a society moved so far to the left that we are no longer responsible for our actions? Have the "liberal do gooders" finally achieved their goals that no-one is responsible for their actions because of their raising. We are to learn from our actions and the actions of others as well as the actions of our parents. Take responsibility for your actions. Own up to your actions. Learn from your actions and control your actions. The Judge raked this 23 year old dropout and lazy, non working, dredge to society, over the coals.
Just Spouting off on a pet peeve.
I agree PapaG, particularly about responsibility for our own actions. But I don't think this can all be attributed to the 'far left.' At some point people need to think for themselves, regardless of what their peers, friends, media or party line advocates. We as a society don't have much experience with that :-)
LOL so, how you liking having time to watch those Judge shows?
I object to that comment, I mean it wasn't my fault, those are not my pants i'm wearing, my friend loaned me the car- Answer== Man-up fool.
Or, as they say in Ireland, "Fill yer boots Man!"
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